Potato Latkes
Recipe submitted by: Sarel Rozov, Grade 9
2 large potatoes
1 large onion
2 large eggs
1/2 cup all purpose flour
2 teaspoons salt
1 teaspoon baking powder
1/2 black pepper Sunflower oil or other oil for frying
In a large bowl shred the potato and onion using a grater or a food processor.
Mix in the eggs, salt and other ingredients into the shredded potatoes and onions.
Get a pan/skillet out and pour in 2-3 cm of oil or just enough to cover the entire button of the pan.
Heat the pan over medium-high heat.
Drop spoonfuls of the potato mixture into the hot oil. Slightly press them down with the back of the spoon so that the latkes are evenly thick.
Cook in hot oil until browned and crisp. 3-5 minutes per a side and flip them over. Once done cooking place them on a plate lined with a paper towel.
Wait for them to cool down and enjoy! They are best served with sour cream or cream cheese as condiments and are very good as side dishes for salmon, chicken or any type of soup.
Sarel's personal connection:
Latkas is a tradition potato pancake usually eaten on the Jewish holiday called Hanukkah. They are made to be greasy and fatty to reminde the Jewish people of the time when our temple was destroyed and we had to live on 1 small jar of oil for 1 week. It was a miracle and we continue to commemorate it. Latkas are also quick and easy to make and can be wiped up on the spot!
Sarel's bio:
Hey, my name is Sarel Rozov, Im in grade 9 and I consider myself Jewish. I shared my favorite Jewish recipe, latkas. They are just so good you have to try them!